Our Blog

Tales from the dark side, landlord edition

September 15, 2019

When I get a call from a client who is looking to sell or buy a business the first questions I ask are about the lease and the landlord. Why? In my experience (particularly in multi-unit franchise deals), there is always a hurdle with the landlord. Always.

Business owners: avoid potential grief and take note of the new LLC Act

April 15, 2019

A few months ago, I gave you an overview of Arizona’s new Limited Liability Company Act (the “New Act”). Unless there is some last-minute legislative wrangling,

Get the most out of your relationship with your lawyer (especially when it’s me)

March 15, 2019

The last couple of months have been tough. Hurry up and wait followed by crushing deadlines--self-inflicted wounds (for some of my clients and for me)—disappointments, delays, snafus (thanks, Mercury Retrograde), a general breakdown in people and systems, and a smattering of self-doubt.

How to avoid heartbreak in the purchase of a business

February 15, 2019

During the past couple of years, I’ve written posts on the small businesses that are changing hands and will continue to do so in the next decade (thanks Baby Boomers) and shared tips on how to maximize the value of a sale

Ready, set, start 2019 on solid footing

January 15, 2019

I usually take the first few weeks to pick a theme (Joy and Ease this year), set personal and business goals, and figure out what I need to clean up in the New Year. It’s a perfect month to look over things like contracts, insurance coverage, and estate planning documents. You know, all the stuff you put off and then wake up in a cold sweat about at 3 a.m.

Why you must have a Quarterback on your deal team

November 15, 2018

In the last couple of months, I wound up on an incredible roller coaster of a deal which involved countless stops and starts, multiple parties and lots of lawyers from “big name” firms in town.

Are you ready for the LLC overhaul? It’s a big deal!

September 15, 2018

In the spring, the governor signed into law a wholesale rewrite of Arizona’s limited liability company statute (we’ll call it the Revised Act in this article).

A Client’s Journey to FDA Clearance

August 15, 2018

Phoenix-based (and Framework client) TAMA Research recently received notice that its BlueOnyx™ Gen II received 510(k) clearance from the FDA. We couldn’t be more thrilled. Not only for the validation of the safety of the product but also what it means from a business perspective. I've tried it and I'm a big, big fan.

Why I’ve teamed up with Nimbus Legal

June 15, 2018

You may notice on LinkedIn or on my signature block that Framework Legal is now an affiliate of Nimbus Legal and I’m “Of Counsel” to Nimbus Legal.

Hiring an intern this summer? Here is how to keep it legal

May 15, 2018

Back in the day when I was a TV reporter looking for my first job, the ONLY way to get a full-time job in the field was to pay your dues as an “intern”—which meant working lots of hours GRATEFULLY and for free.